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Sole-Mates Massaging Insoles

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Product Details

Walking on hard surfaces puts a great deal of strain on your feet and the rest of your limbs, causing injuries and further discomfort in the lower back and the knees. The Sole-Mates Massaging Insoles are filled with liquid so they don't compress, instead moving with your weight to cushion your feet wherever necessary. This imitates softer ground to take the pressure off your feet.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Clinically proven to provide unrivalled support
  • Ideal if you work on your feet or spend a lot of time walking
  • Delivers increased circulation to the feet and lower legs
  • Uses a unique massaging system for increased foot health
  • Improves feet circulation and a number of conditions
  • Takes pressure off your feet when walking on hard surfaces
  • Helps to relieve lower body pain
  • Massages your feet while you walk
  • Uses a bladder containing glycerine to support the foot
  • Takes up very little room in the shoe
  • Can be worn in most shoes, including high heels
  • Moulds to your feet to support your arches

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Sole-Mates Massaging Insoles

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