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Wiesner Incontinence Clamp

In stock: 35 available
Product Details

The Wiesner Incontinence Clamp is an external medical device used to control urine leakage by compressing the urethra and preventing the flow of urine.

The product is characterised by its ergonomics, which provides both user safety and comfort.

It has a huge impact on the quality of life for patients, restoring their confidence and allowing them to enjoy activities that they previously could not.

The Wiesner Incontinence Clamp is a simple solution to a complex problem. It is recommended that clamps be worn no longer than 2.5 hours at a time. Used together with pads and undergarments, there is now a full solution available to men that will allow them to resume normal activities.

The Wiesner Incontinence Clamp is easy to use, comfortable and a discrete, odourless and dry solution.

Universal product that adjusts to small, medium and large sizing.

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Wiesner Incontinence Clamp

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